It’s Your Choice

One of my clients had a terrible time trying to motivate a few of his employees.  These were generally the employees who were around the longest, or in some cases, hired in haste because a job opening had to be filled quickly.  My response was that the only employees you can motive or engage are those who are either already motivated, or who want to be motivated.

So how do you entice employees to do something you want them to do?  How about offering them two possible choices, both of which you can accept.  For example, when speaking with one of your sales people, you might say: “which would you prefer to do first; make a cold call, or contact an existing customer to see if they need anything.”  They make the choice, but they will also buy into that choice.  Who wants to disagree with one’s own decision?

Another option might be: “which way would you prefer to set up your machine for production runs?”  This will not only force them to think about the best way to approach the task, it will ensure that they buy into the approach they specify and become accountable for that choice, because it is their own decision.

When I plan a full day, off-site working session with my clients, I always give clients the choice of the start time.  For example, I tell them that I need a full 8 hour day, including one hour for lunch, so would they prefer to start at 8:00am and finish by 4:00pm, or start at 9:00am and finish by 5:00pm.  I also ask them what time they would prefer to have lunch served.  They make the choice and buy into that choice.

I always give my wife choices.  Which TV program to watch, what time should we have dinner (I make dinner during the week), or which route should we take when driving somewhere.  This way, I never make the wrong decision and she never disagrees with that decision (it makes life a whole lot easier).  Giving employees choices gives them power and it also engages them.  They motive themselves by making their own choice.  Try it.  You’ll be amazed with the results.

David Saxe, BBA, CPA, CA, CBC

Business Performance Specialist

Authorized Partner – The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™

Certified Ownership Thinking™ Facilitator

Base Camp Trained EOS implementer

David has over 40 years of hands on business experience and is the CEO of Next Level Business Planning.  The firm provides leadership teams with the tools, training and skills to build high performance, cohesive, productive teams within their businesses organizations.  David has a passion for working with leadership teams to help them create a laser-focused vision and provide the tools, training and traction to achieve that vision.   He also helps to create a culture of engagement and accountability to maximize efficiency and profitability by training employees to think and act like owners.  David can be reached at